Order of .profile & .bashrc

Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] BBuchbinder@niaid.nih.gov
Thu Dec 16 21:02:00 GMT 2010

jwzumwalt sent the following at Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:39 PM
>My prompt and a few other items are not working correctly. I have found
>teh following startup files... are there any more? What is the order or
>priority of configuring?
>$HOME/.bash_profile - commands inside this file
>only get executed by the login shell. 
>$HOME/.bashrc - commands inside
>this file only get execute when you run a subshell
>$HOME/.bash_logout - executed on logout, good for deleting tmp files and
>/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc - executed when xwindows start, startup programs

$ man bash
$ info bash

- Barry
  Disclaimer: Statements made herein are not made on behalf of NIAID.

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