Can't call expect from a Cygwin shell script.

Damo, David
Thu Jan 14 13:49:00 GMT 2010


I am trying to use Cygwin to launch expect from a simple shell script. In my case I am launching the shell script from a JSP, and the shell script gets called properly, however I can do everything from the shell script but call expect. For example touch ls, pwd, cd, echo all work, but expect does not. I tried specifying the full path to expect and going into /usr/bin and running expect as ./. My TERM is now set to VT100 and my CYGWIN variable is the default. Here is the shell script. Any ideas? What is also interesting is if I run the shell script both from the cmd or cygwin.bat it works, but does not work from the shell script.

Everything works but the expect command:


echo `date`  " - Starting shell script."

touch /apps/sjsws/sunws-automation/

#echo `date` " - Copy properties file."

#file=`basename $6`

#echo `date` " - Run build on: " $file

expect /apps/sjsws/sunws-automation/ $1 $2 $3 $4

#expect /cygdrive/d/apps/https-game-automation/docs/jdk/RunJDKInstall.exp 1 $2 $3 $4

echo `date`  " - Finished."


David 

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