dlclose not calling destructors of static variables.

Andrew West andrewwest@gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 17:10:00 GMT 2010

On 29/01/2010 15:23, Dave Korn wrote:
> On 29/01/2010 14:30, Andrew West wrote:
>> Which brings me on to the bigger problem, the static variables are
>> registered with atexit rather than with __cxa_atexit which seems to be a
>> violation of the C++ standard (1).
>    That's not the C++ standard; that is part of the cxx-abi.  Since so much of
> cxx-abi assumes ELF, we implement things slightly differently on Cygwin.
>      cheers,
>        DaveK

Ah o.k. So is there any documentation on how Cygwin should do things 
differently? Should atexit be used for both executables and library 
static destructors? Is there a reason for not using __cxa_atexit?

Many thanks,


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