1.7.5: running in a non cygwin command prompt

Thomas Wolff towo@towo.net
Thu Jul 8 08:28:00 GMT 2010

Am 08.07.2010 03:30, schrieb Shalomov, Inessa A (US SSA):
> I am trying to get the system() call working in my driver which I am running in a DOS terminal. For the sake of not porting out all of cygwin libraries and executables, I am trying to narrow down to a set of dll's and exe's required for my driver and only include those in my path. What I have gathered so far with the help of cygcheck is that I will need cyggcc_s-1.dll, cygiconv-2.dll, cygintl-8.dll, cygncurses-9.dll, cygreadline7.dll, cygwin1.dll, and sh.exe since system() executes the given command in a shell. My questions are as follows:
> 1) What .dll's and/or .exe's am I missing to be able to run the driver in a non cygwin command prompt?
> 2) Is it possible to run my driver (see below) in a non-cygwin prompt with a reduced set of cygwin dll's and .exe's?
> 3) If the system() call doesn't work when used in a non-cygwin environment, is there a windows native system() equivalent call I can use?
> ...
My suggestion:

    * Drop the dependency on sh.exe by using one of the exec() calls
      rather than system().
    * Apply static linking: gcc -static -static-libgcc ..., so you'll
      only need cygwin1.dll


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