Cygwin make target is never determined up to date

Jeremy Bopp
Wed May 5 04:42:00 GMT 2010

MichaelKim wrote:
> Cygwin make always processing `$(chrome_jar_file)` target, after first
> successful build. So I never get up to date message and always see commands
> for `$(chrome_jar_file)` are executing.
> However it happens only on Windows 7. On Windows XP once it built and
> intact, no more builds.
> I narrowed down the issue to one prerequisite - `$(jar_target_dir)`.
> Here is part of the code
>     # The location where the JAR file will be created.
>     jar_target_dir := $(build_dir)/chrome
>     # The main chrome JAR file.
>     chrome_jar_file := $(jar_target_dir)/$(extension_name).jar
>     # The root of the JAR sources.
>     jar_source_root := chrome
>     # The sources for the JAR file.
>     jar_sources := bla #... some files, doesn't matter
>     jar_sources_no_dir := $(subst $(jar_source_root)/,,$(jar_sources))
>     $(chrome_jar_file): $(jar_sources) $(jar_target_dir)
>      @echo "Creating chrome JAR file."
>      @cd $(jar_source_root); $(ZIP) ../$(chrome_jar_file)
> $(jar_sources_no_dir)
>      @echo "Creating chrome JAR file. Done!"
>     $(jar_target_dir): $(build_dir)
>      echo "Creating jar target dir..."
>      if [ ! -x $(jar_target_dir) ]; \
>       then \
>         mkdir $(jar_target_dir); \
>       fi
>     $(build_dir):
>      @if [ ! -x $(build_dir) ]; \
>       then \
>         mkdir $(build_dir); \
>       fi
> so if I just remove  `$(jar_target_dir)` from `$(chrome_jar_file)` rule, it
> works fine.
> Also tried to use `-e` in `if`.
> So again, question is why in windows 7 target is never up to date and it has
> always to process it.

Have you tried adding a short sleep after creating $(jar_target_dir)?
Maybe try something in the range of 2 to 5 seconds.  BTW, are you
building on a FAT filesystem or NTFS?

My guess here is that the timestamps on $(jar_target_dir) and
$(chrome_jar_file) are the same, at least as far as make is concerned.
The FAT filesystem, with its 2 second resolution, is somewhat prone to
this kind of problem.


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