.exe magic reloaded 2

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@freemail.ru
Wed Sep 15 17:40:00 GMT 2010

Greetings, Al!

> I have another interesting case where .exe magic doesn't work as
> transparently as one would expect.

> I have a file python2.6.exe. A script tries to find it with "ls
> python2.?". It is not found.

I'm fairly certain, that the script is bugged in this specific case.
It should be looking for python2.* instead.
Minor version could have any length... potentially. (And yes, I know, there
wouldn't be .10 for now)

> Here the script needs a modification to work with Cygwin, but we can't
> really say that there is a bug in the script.

 Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 15.09.2010, <21:18>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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