1.7.7: bash --login does not read my ~/.profile

Paul Cantalupo pcantalupo@gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 16:27:00 GMT 2011


Recently I installed Cygwin on an XP computer at home. But when I
execute Cygwin.bat (contents below), the bash shell does not read my
~/.profile (contents below).

$ cat /Cygwin.bat
@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
bash --login -i

pgc92@polaris ~
$ cat .profile
export PERL5LIB=~/downloads/bioperl/bioperl-live

So, that when I type "echo $PERL5LIB" I don't get any output. I've
attached the output from cygcheck -s -v -r as well.

Thank you for your help,


Paul Cantalupo
University of Pittsburgh
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