login: no shell: /bin/bash: Permission denied

Ryan Johnson ryan.johnson@cs.utoronto.ca
Wed Sep 14 20:04:00 GMT 2011

On 14/09/2011 11:08 AM, Jeremy Bopp wrote:
> On 9/13/2011 13:38, Larson, Donald (Don) wrote:
>> I understand "su" does not work – answer use ssh. SSHD cannot start
>> because user sshd cannot login. I run login sshd type in the
>> password and then I get the message.
> What you're saying is that you want a way to log in as another user as
> one would with the "su" command, right?  If so, you need to get the sshd
> service working first so that you can at least log in as yourself.  The
> process for doing that is documented in
> /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README.  Read this carefully.  If you have
> problems with this part, submit a problem report as Larry suggested.
> When things work, you should be able to run something like the following
> command to log in as yourself over SSH:
> $ ssh your_username@localhost
> Once you're able to log in as yourself, you can set up account details
> for other accounts in /etc/passwd in order to allow yourself to log in
> via SSH using those accounts.  The mkpasswd program will help you here.
> This is the "tricky" part.  For accounts that have no password such as
> the SYSTEM account or for accounts whose passwords you do not know, you
> need to set up public key authentication so that you can authenticate
> over SSH without a password.  You may also need to make some manual
> edits to your /etc/passwd file in order to set home directories and
> shells for accounts such as SYSTEM where those settings are not defined
> by default.
> If you need details for how to use public key authentication with SSH,
> there are numerous articles available online.  For your needs here,
> there is nothing Cygwin specific about setting this up.
> This is what I did just now to allow me to log in as the SYSTEM account:
> 1) Create the directory /root/.ssh.
> 2) Copy your SSH public key file to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.
> 3) Set the owner of /root and its contents to SYSTEM.
> 4) Open the /etc/passwd file in a text editor.
> 5) Modify the line that starts with SYSTEM as follows:
>     a) Insert /root before the last colon on the line.
>     b) Append /bin/bash after the last colon on the line.
> 6) Save the changes.
> Now you should be able to log into the SYSTEM account by running:
> $ ssh SYSTEM@localhost
Question: in my experience sshd will not allow connections to users who 
have no password set, even when password-auth is not used. This happened 
on my wife's laptop, for example, where I ended up having to create a 
dummy user for myself that had a password, since she didn't want her 
account to have one.

Does SYSTEM have some sort of password after all?


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