A linking problem with current GCC (4.5.3)

Angelo Graziosi angelo.graziosi@alice.it
Thu Dec 13 14:37:00 GMT 2012

V. Zeman wrote:

> If you are targeting native Windows (no Cygwin) then you can use


Anyway the example I reported works with:

g++, gfortran (Cygwin native)

i686-w64-mingw32-gfortran, i686-w64-mingw32-g++ (Windows native)

and, using Cygwin g++-3 or g++-4.3.4, it works also (Cygwin native) with 

It is with g++-4.5.3 and g95 that there are those liker errors.

G95 is a Fortran compiler ( a fork from GFortran): http://www.g95.org

I don't think it is a GCC-4.5.3 bug but only a different development of 
GCC (I tried also with GCC-4.8) for which now I need to add some other 
library to command line.

I can't test this on other system (GNU/Linux) because the final 
application is a Windows application...


> i686-w64-mingw32-gfortran and i686-w64-mingw32-g++ as replacements for
> g++ and g95 commands. You will have to install the appropriate MinGW
> related packages, though.

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