Combining path components

Ken Brown
Wed Jan 4 02:56:00 GMT 2012

On 1/3/2012 9:32 PM, Radly wrote:
> I just installed Cygwin, which I've used off and on since it was created.
> I've been using MinGw for several months and have a .bashrc file that sets
> up some environment variables for me to reduce the typing in some routine
> tasks.  The file has the following form, after modifying the first line from
> MinGw's format to Cygwin's:
> export DD=/cygdrive/D/Common
> export LL=$DD/labs
> The intent is to make $LL refer to /cygdrive/D/Common/labs.  If I execute
> those commands at the bash prompt, I get the desired effect:
> "echo $LL" produces "/cygdrive/D/Common/labs"
> But when I do
> $ . .bashrc  (or ./.bashrc, either one)
> $ echo $LL
> I get
> /labsrive/D/Common
> instead of
> /cygdrive/D/Common/labs
> When I experiment with various paths for DD and LL, I see the following
> pattern.  The beginning of the DD string is overwritten with the LL string.
> For instance, DD=/abcdef/ghi/jklmn; LL=/opqr yields $LL=/opqref/ghi/jklmn.

Do you have CRLF line endings in your .bashrc?  Try running dos2unix on it.


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