uid is 0 on first open of cygwin window, nonzero next time

Larry Hall (Cygwin) reply-to-list-only-lh@cygwin.com
Wed Jan 25 17:07:00 GMT 2012

On 1/25/2012 11:24 AM, Saurabh T wrote:
> When I open a cygwin window for the first time (that is, when no other
> cygwin window is open), uid and group are 0 (superuser/root; however
> username is correctly mentioned). Upon subsequent opens (without closing the
> first), a reasonable uid is set (1004). This is with latest cygwin, bash
> shell, on windows 7. What might be the problem?

Not sure.  How would one attempt to reproduce the behavior you're seeing?
Can you provide cygcheck output as requested by the problem reporting link

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A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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