install package from cpan report "address space needed by ... is already occupied"

Aaron Schneider
Fri Jul 27 10:21:00 GMT 2012

On 25/07/2012 3:13, ping wrote:
> I'm trying to install App::Asciio in cygwin, but got following error,
> please advice, or what info are still needed to proceed, thanks!
> CPAN: Module::Build loaded ok (v0.3613)
> Going to build N/NK/NKH/App-Asciio-1.02.71.tar.gz
>        0 [main] perl 6432 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed
> by 'Base64.dll' (0xC60000) is already occupied
>        1 [main] perl 3844 child_info_fork::abort: unable to remap
> Util.dll to same address as parent (009A0000) - try running rebaseall
>        0 [main] perl 10708 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed
> by 'Base64.dll' (0xC60000) is already occupied
>        0 [main] perl 11276 child_info_fork::abort: unable to remap
> Util.dll to same address as parent (009A0000) - try running rebaseall
>        0 [main] perl 1976 child_info_fork::abort: address space needed
> by 'Base64.dll' (0xC60000) is already occupied

Could you rename your c:\cygwin folder to c:\cygwin_bak and try a fresh 
install and see if happens the same? Are you installing cpan modules 
from binaries or compiling them with 'perl Build.PL'?

- There should be no need to rebase any dll, try installing all cpan 
modules from source code (the tar.gz). Install only perl from cygwin's 
setup.exe. If there are any compilation issues with any cpan module you 
will see it right away. All modules should compile and pass all t tests. 
You will need to install dependencies like gcc, gcc4, libbz2-devel, 
pkg-config and probably more from setup.exe.
- Remember to keep closed all terminals and cygwin sessions when running 
- I wasn't able to compile a lot of cpan modules under cygwin, for 
example P/PD/PDENIS/Test-Strict-0.14.tar.gz with either perl 5.10 or 
perl 5.14. This is not the case for Ubuntu, for example, at least trying 
to install all cpan dependencies for App-Asciio-1.02.71.

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