Cygwin unstable as hell on Windows7 64bit‏

Ryan Johnson
Thu Jun 21 15:55:00 GMT 2012

On 21/06/2012 11:34 AM, Gerard H. Pille wrote:
> I checked the BLODA, but with only the following programs left 
> running, Cygwin is still getting killed:
> $ ps -efW

A task list isn't terribly useful:
- It doesn't include system tasks (winlogon.exe and a pile of 
svchost.exe being prominently absent)
- Some BLODA are services, which tend to run as threads within a process 
rather than given their own
- BLODA are most often troublesome because they inject dlls dynamically 
into other processes. I dont' know the mechanics, but I suspect it 
involves black magic in the registry and doesn't require the BLODA to be 
"running" at all (that's why an uninstall is usually needed to clean up 
the mess).
- I don't know what all those processes are doing (freepopsd.exe (??), 
rundll32 could do *anything*, etc.)

Finally, a virus scan is highly recommended if you're convinced there 
are no normal BLODA around and still "something" kills your cygwin 
prompts: viruses often hide themselves from the task list.


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