Rsync stops inmid of synchronisation

David Sastre Medina
Tue Mar 13 20:00:00 GMT 2012

On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 01:48:45PM +0100, Richard Ivarson wrote:
> Is there a way to increase the verbosity level of the sending rsync
> (aside the parameter "-v" which we can increase to "-vv" or even
> "-vvv") ?
> Or could rsync print further helpful information about what it is
> doing right now ?
> Because that could help me. With "-vvv" rsync prints information
> about the files it's sending to the remote rsync, but in my case
> when it has rsynced for a while it suddenly stops to print and do
> anything, and I got no idea what is happening...

Maybe overkill, but you could try to strace the process.

Huella de clave primaria: AD8F BDC0 5A2C FD5F A179  60E7 F79B AB04 5299 EC56
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