Giving interact with desktop permission to cyg_server

Andrew DeFaria
Fri Mar 30 20:08:00 GMT 2012

On 3/30/2012 12:10 PM, Earnie Boyd wrote:
>> I've asked about the need to use a spreadsheet and it seems the spreadsheet
>> is used for both input and output of the script. The spreadsheet is read as
>> input and then annotated and updated and given back. Personally I think the
>> whole thing should be re-written as a web app...
> The users wanting it their way is what keeps us employed doing
> development work.  Otherwise we would have stopped developing a long
> time ago because everyone would live with just the way it works now.
> :D  We're still developing in VBA scripting producing excel reports
> connecting directly to the DB from excel.
Just because a user wants it one way does not necessarily mean that that 
way is a good way or that other better ways do not exist. The difference 
between a developer and a consultant is that the developer will simply 
implement the solution as requested. The consultant may advise a 
different way to solve the problem that in the long term is more 
efficient, flexible or scalable. While the former gets the instant task 
accomplished, the later is the longer term view and many times can make 
future request much easier to satisfy.

I prefer the longer term view. ;-)

Also, if I never had to look at or code Visual <anything> I would be a 
much happier guy...
Andrew DeFaria <>
Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.

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