bash ignoring set -f on windows

Craig Ryan
Mon Aug 12 11:06:00 GMT 2013

The cygwin  bash is ignoring noglob  on windows 7  and XP. Cygwin
details: CYGWIN_NT-6.1 1.7.17(0.262/5/3) 2012-10-19 14:39

To illustrate,  here is a  script which calls a  java application
which I expect to have wildcards passed through as-is to the java
main String[ ]args. Source to both as follows.

set -f


# Try both quoted/unquoted ARGS
echo unquoted call to TestApp
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java TestApp $ARGS

echo quoted call to TestApp
$JAVA_HOME/bin/java TestApp $ARGSQ

The java app is simply:

public class TestApp {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       if (args.length < 1) {
          System.out.println("WRONG!! NO ARGS AT ALL - should be '*'");
       if (args[0].equals("*")) {
          System.out.println("GOT '*'!!");
       } else {
          System.out.println("WRONG!! got '" + args[0] + "' - should be '*'");

From a cygwin  terminal, cd to the directory  containing the java
source and script. Compile the app and run as follows

$ javac
$ ./ ‘*’

That’s asterix in single quotes. I expect to see

GOT '*'!!

But I get

WRONG!! got '’ – should be ‘*’

The  ‘set –f’  in the  script is  ignored and  therefore wildcard
expansion is  enabled for the  java invocation. If I  comment out
‘set –f’ the result is the same.

If I run the same test on  a Mac the result is that with ‘set –f’
uncommented no wildcard expansion occurs and with ‘set –f’ active
expansion does occur as expected.

I am shipping a similar script  with my open source app so I need
to instruct users the easiest way to fix this just for cygwin.

Is  this  a  known  problem?  Can you  please  outline  what  the
issue/bug/limitation is, and  the least impact fix a  user can be
expected to cope with please?

The following isn't reasonable to expect from users:

-  Full scale cygwin version upgrades (a few file updates are OK)
-  Any requirement to build any cygwin or other software from source
-  Having to set a global or environment setting which affects
software other than my app

I can live with workarounds  within my own script ( above)
so long as it works in non-cygwin shells.

I’d really appreciate help on this.


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