Disabling focus reporting in mintty

John Koelndorfer jkoelndorfer@gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 20:54:00 GMT 2013

I seem to have run into some trouble with focus reporting in mintty
1.1.2 and tmux 1.8 running on a remote Arch Linux host.  tmux does not
seem to catch the focus reporting control characters properly and will
allow the "^[[O" and "^[[I" to bleed through to applications.  Here is
how I have tested this:

1.  Connect to remote host over ssh.
2.  Run `cat'.
3. Click on the mintty taskbar entry repeatedly.  Note that there are
no control characters showing up.

Now, I repeat the above steps, but before running cat, I launched a
tmux session using `tmux'.

Now, when I click the mintty taskbar, I see:


repeatedly.  In other applications things will manifest differently,
but my issue is specifically with irssi where "[I" shows up in the
input box every time I focus mintty, which is quite annoying.

In order to try and mitigate this issue, I attempted to echo ^[[?1004l
per http://code.google.com/p/mintty/wiki/Changes (under version
0.4.1).  Exact steps were:

1. Launch mintty.
2. Run `cat' locally.
3. Press "ESC [ ? 1 0 0 4 l", followed by ^D.  I believe this should
echo the correct control sequence, can someone confirm?  Nothing shows
up on stdout from cat, so it appears mintty is indeed interpreting
this as a control sequence.
4. Connect to same remote host, run tmux and cat as described before.
5. Focus and unfocus mintty by clicking the taskbar entry.

However, the above steps still show the focus reporting control
characters bleeding through to cat.

Am I going about disabling focus reporting correctly?  Should it do
what I think it should be doing?  Is there some other solution that I
might be missing?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide!

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