[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: vim-7.3.1152-1

Frank Fesevur ffes@users.sourceforge.net
Mon Dec 9 14:04:00 GMT 2013

2013/12/9 Corinna Vinschen:
> The new vim layout closely reflects the Fedora packaging.  It has a
> minimal vi in the vim-minimal package and a full-featured vim in the
> vim-enhanced package.  I'm using a vi -> vim alias on Fedora for ages.

That explains why Yaakov did this. I assume Yaakov is a Fedora user.

As a long time vi user (>25 years) and a Debian-based Linux user
(Debian uses alternatives) I am used to type "vi", so I added the
alias. But on our new server my colleague had to add the alias the
other way around because there we have only vim-minimal installed and
he is used to type "vim". So we always need an alias ;-)


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