Can SSH from localhost as Admin but NOT 'regular' user when using passwords

Andrey Repin
Mon Jul 1 16:05:00 GMT 2013

Greetings, Evan Rowley!

> I'm tasked with setting up SFTP serving on 2 Windows Server 2003 VMs.
> One of these installations has been giving me problems and I'm not
> sure what the solution is.

> The following command works fine when run as Administrator and
> SFTP_User in these two configurations: (password,keyboard-interactive)
> only and (password,publickey,keyboard-interactive)

> ssh Administrator@localhost

> The following command fails when run as Administrator and SFTP_User in
> this configuration: (password,keyboard-interactive)

> ssh SFTP_User@localhost

> The following command works fine when run as Administrator and
> SFTP_User in this configuration:
> (password,publickey,keyboard-interactive)

> ssh SFTP_User@localhost

> In each scenario, I've double, tirple, quadruple checked to make sure
> the SFTP_User password is entered correctly. Both of these users are
> local users and mkpasswd with the -l flag has been cat'd into
> /etc/passwd in order to set up the passwords correctly. Not sure where
> else to focus on next.

You know, without logs, this is impossible to tell, what's going on.
Least - to help you find the problem in your setup.

Andrey Repin ( 01.07.2013, <19:54>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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