: reboot command behaves different on Linux

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@freemail.ru
Sun Mar 24 01:20:00 GMT 2013

Greetings, Frank Fesevur!

>> I thought about it for a while myself before posting but I concluded your
>> choice was a good one: the usefulness of -h for hibernate probably
>> outweighed the benefits of retaining compatibility with a more traditional
>> (BSD) Unix shutdown. I checked to see if POSIX had anything specified but
>> it's not concerned with the shutdown command.

> It seems there is not such thing as a *general* shutdown command.
> "Every" distribution has its own. Just picked three:
> http://linuxmanpages.net/manpages/fedora18/man8/shutdown.8.html
> http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/shutdown.8.html
> http://manpages.debian.net/cgi-bin/man.cgi?query=shutdown&apropos=0&sektion=8&manpath=Debian+6.0+squeeze&format=html&locale=en

> Although they all agree on -r -h -H -P -k and -c. Also noticed that
> the Fedora shutdown doesn't require the time option. It defaults to 1
> minute.

>> Having thought about it bit more, I'd like to suggest an upper case -H as
>> the option for hibernate.

> This would still conflict with the -H of the ones above, but I have no
> problem with it. Anyone against changing hibernate to -H?

If anyone can explain the difference between "halt" and "power off" in the
terms of Linux 'shutdown' man page, I would probably vote for one of the
Especially since the Debian (and Ubuntu) man page wording on -h confuse me. I
can't understand, how a choice would be "left up to the system".

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 24.03.2013, <05:08>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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