What comes with Cygwin?

Warren Young warren@etr-usa.com
Tue May 14 16:38:00 GMT 2013

On 5/14/2013 09:58, Warren Young wrote:
> On 5/14/2013 08:47, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> I think there are additional ones that get pulled in as dependencies
> Yup.  Third attempt:

Grrr.  Fourth attempt:

     [ addftinfo afmtodit alternatives apropos arch ash awk backup
     banner base64 basename bash bashbug bunzip2 bzcat bzcmp
     bzdiff bzegrep bzfgrep bzgrep bzip2 bzip2recover bzless
     bzmore cat chcon chem chgrp chmod chown chroot cksum comm
     conv copy-user-registry-fstab cp csplit cut cygcheck cygdrop
     cyglsa-config cygpath cygserver cygserver-config cygstart
     cygwin-console-helper dash date dd df dgawk dir dircolors
     dirname du dump dumper echo editrights egrep env envsubst
     eqn eqn2graph ex expand expr factor false fgrep file find fmt
     fold gawk gdiffmk getclip getconf getfacl gettext gettext.sh
     gkill grap2graph grep grn grodvi groff groffer grog grolbp
     grolj4 grops grotty groups gunzip gzexe gzip head hostid
     hostname hpftodit id igawk indxbib install ipck ipcrm ipcs
     join kill ldd ldh less lessecho lesskey link lkbib ln locale
     locate login logname lookbib lpr ls lzcat lzcmp lzdiff lzegrep
     lzfgrep lzgrep lzless lzma lzmadec lzmainfo lzmore makewhatis
     man man2dvi man2html manpath md5sum mintty mkdir mkfifo mkgroup
     mknod mkpasswd mkshortcut mktemp mmroff mount msgtool mv neqn
     ngettext nice nl nohup nproc nroff od oldfind passwd paste
     pathchk pdfroff peflags peflagsall pfbtops pgawk pic pic2graph
     pinky pldd post-grohtml pr preconv pre-grohtml printenv printf
     ps ptx putclip pwd readlink readshortcut realpath rebase
     rebaseall refer regtool restore rm rmdir roff2dvi roff2html
     roff2pdf roff2ps roff2text roff2x run runcon rvi sed semstat
     semtool seq setfacl setmetamode sh sha1sum sha224sum sha256sum
     sha384sum sha512sum shmtool shred shuf sleep soelim sort
     split ssp stat strace stty su sum sync tac tail tar tbl tee
     test tfmtodit timeout touch tr troff true truncate tsort tty
     tzselect tzset umount uname uncompress unexpand uniq unlink
     unlzma unxz update-alternatives updatedb users vdir vi wc
     whatis which who whoami winln xargs xz xzcat xzcmp xzdec
     xzdiff xzegrep xzfgrep xzgrep xzless xzmore yes zcat zcmp
     zdiff zdump zegrep zfgrep zforce zgrep zic zless zmore znew

The previous attempt didn't take into account the fact that I've used 
more than one mirror to create my local Cygwin package tree, so I needed 
to parse *all* the ini files to chase dependencies properly.

We're up to 291 shell-external commands now, and this takes into account 
only what lives in "bin/" type paths.  It ignores commands and scripts 
in /etc, /usr/lib...

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