What comes with Cygwin?

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@freemail.ru
Tue May 14 18:20:00 GMT 2013

Greetings, Andrew Pennebaker!

> Hmm, the online package listing for base doesn't list the executables
> it comes with.

Base CATEGORY, not "base" package.

> http://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-cat.cgi?file=base-cygwin%2Fbase-cygwin-3.1-1&grep=base

> Would it make sense to add this information to the online docs?

There's no binaries in this package.
Also, please don't break message threading.

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 14.05.2013, <22:10>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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