Basic question about cygport

Corinna Vinschen
Tue Aug 5 08:00:00 GMT 2014

On Aug  5 00:17, Steven Penny wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 11:28 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> > Nobody care. Really. Noone going to recheck your answers to see is they are
> > relevant to the current Cygwin realities. Which is a part of issue.
> > Cygwin is evolving, and answers found all around the internet, copypasted for
> > years without even little thinking, are going to be useless (at best!) at one
> > point in future. At worst, they would be disastrous.
> > The only place where you can get actual (as in "relevant to the current state
> > of the project") support is this mailing list. Or cygwin-xfree, if your
> > question is X-relevant.
> Hey buddy, why dont you crawl back into your hole. You long winded and baseless
> insults toward Stack Overflow and myself show just how out of touch you are.
> Why dont do everyone a favor and post something on topic, like an answer to the
> OP, or hush?

Steven.  Stop right here.  This list has a WJM history, granted, but
there are borders of shitty attitude which I won't tolerate.  I'm not
going to involve myself into an endless flamewar thread so don't expect
any useless arguing with you.  Rather, make sure that you're staying
more polite or there will be consequences.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat
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