[ANNOUNCEMENT] TEST RELEASE: Cygwin 1.7.34-003 (Christmas/New Year release)

Bryan Berns bryan.berns@gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 00:28:00 GMT 2014

Finally had a chance to test out the new release, albeit in a very
limited fashion.  On our multi-domain forest with SID-History enabled,
running 'ls -l' was able to lookup account names for groups and users
on files.  Some ACEs had SIDs that would only be in present
SID-History and those worked as well.

It would be nice if the names presented would be in what Microsoft
calls the "NameSamCompatible" format instead of DOMAIN+USERNAME
format.  I see this is by design based on the documentation submitted
Corinna put together.  Not a problem, although I'm curious as to why
it was setup this way.

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