Possibly wrong Admin group ID in cygwin 1.7.34-003 (x64)

Ilya Dogolazky ilya.dogolazky@nokia.com
Tue Dec 30 12:49:00 GMT 2014

Hello !

While trying to install and run SSH daemon in cygwin I found the 
following strange behavior of cygwin's ID command (I did all my testing 
on a Windows 8 system freshly installed on a virgin virtual machine from 
the DVD image en_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917522.iso downloaded from 

When I execute the command "id -G" first in a usual cygwin terminal 
window and then in a terminal window opened by "right click -> Run as 
administrator", the expected output is the same with the only 
difference: the "admin" output must have additional groups 0 and 544.

That is exactly the case if I use cygwin package 1.7.33-1:
Plain window: 197121 545 197610
Admin window: 197121 0 544 545 197610

But if I use the testing cygwin package 1.7.34-003 (available in the 
installer by clicking on cygwin package), then the group 544 doesn't 
appear anymore:

Plain window: 197121 197610 545 4 66049 11 15 4095 66048 262154 401408
Admin window: 197121 197610 0 545 4 66049 11 15 4095 66048 262154 405504

Now I don't know if it's a bug, but some scripts assume that an admin 
shell can be identified by the number 544 in the output of "id -G", so 
I'm sure something is very wrong here.

Screenshots are available there:
In both cases the first terminal is the "plain" one and the second is 
the "admin" one. You have to click on the pictures in order to make the 
text readable.

Happy new year to everyone!

Ilya Dogolazky

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