How to remount hotplugged USB drive as noacl (for use with rsync)?

Corinna Vinschen
Wed Feb 5 09:45:00 GMT 2014

On Feb  4 22:47, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> On 04/02/2014 22:41, carolus wrote:
> >
> >>You're not remounting the Cygwin root.
> >
> >I'm confused by this statement. Isn't /cygdrive/c/cygwin/ the same as
> >Cygwin root?

Uhm... no?

You have to look at this from the POSIX path angle.

"/" is not the same as "/cygdrive/c/cygwin", even if, under the hood,
they resolve to the same Windows path.  For every POSIX path, the mount
flags are taken from the matching fstab entry.  So, take two fstab

  C:/foo /bar some_fs binary 0 0
  C:/foo /baz some_fs text 0 0 

If you write to a file under /bar, it will be written in binary mode,
if you write to the exact same file under /baz, it will be written in
text mode:

  $ cd /bar
  $ echo Hallo > blub
  $ od -c blub
  0000000   H   e   l   l   o  \n
  [~]$ cd /baz
  [~]$ echo Hello > blub
  [~]$ od -c blub
  0000000   H   e   l   l   o  \r  \n

Does this example make it clearer?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat
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