g77 on cygwin64

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@yandex.ru
Wed Feb 12 17:36:00 GMT 2014

Greetings, Scott T. Marshall!

Please don't http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#TOFU

> Thank-you to those that responded with suggestions involving my fortran
> issues. Fixing the code is not something I am going to pursue since the 
> source code was written by several different colleagues and is spread 
> out amongst many .f files. My colleagues have no interest in fixing it 
> since they have g77 on their unix machines, and to them, it isn't 
> broken.

"Our logs show nothing, server runs fine."
If only you knew, how many times I've heard this argument...

> The strange thing is that gfortran does compile the code, but
> once compiled, the executables have strange behavior mainly involving 
> problems reading in data files. So it is not clear to me exactly what 
> needs to be updated in the code.

And this is finally the information, that we can work with.
My wild guess is that your "colleagues" making certain assumptions about
files, that not always true on other systems.
I.e. opening a file in text mode, and then treating it's data as binary safe,
quite predictable, prone to fail (not actual opening, but reading and 
writing operations on it) on systems with different line endings.

> I have tried to compile gcc 3.4.6 from source with no luck, but I am not 
> so good with compiler flags and makefiles. I will give it a go again, 
> but I am not optimistic.
> So, to avoid further mean comments about my course of action being 
> "stupid", I will sign off.

I beg for forgiveness. Was merely trying to save you some time. Perhaps,
trying too hard...

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@yandex.ru) 12.02.2014, <21:10>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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