Testers needed: New passwd/group handling in Cygwin

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@yandex.ru
Wed Feb 19 19:32:00 GMT 2014

Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

>> Setting
>> db_enum: local
>> seems to be really destructive.
>> I'm not good at reading straces, so... Can I make a useful trace for your
>> inspection?
>> So far, I'm unable to start anything with freshly rebuilt Cygwin1.dll
>> if db_enum set to local. Even uname -a crashes.

> The last one is weird since uname doesn't call getpwent.

That's what was my thought, too. Because (un)setting it back cures the crash.

> Anyway, with more help from Denis Excoffier I think I got it.  I'm
> just building a new snapshot which should be up in half an hour or so.
> Please give it a try.

Looking into it now.
Doesn't crash or anything so far. (With `db_enum: local' set.)
Tried a few utilities, as well as your example get*ent code.
BTW, can we have it as one "getent"[1] tool for the next release?

Going to play with different settings, I will post if I find anything

[1] http://linux.die.net/man/1/getent

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@yandex.ru) 19.02.2014, <23:11>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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