Cygwin installer could be much more better

Marco Atzeri
Wed Jan 29 07:28:00 GMT 2014

On 29/01/2014 07:57, Steven Penny wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 10:25 PM, Ilja Umov wrote
>> That's probably why MSYS2 is being developed:
> Well I have to say I was skeptical until I saw this
>      $ bash --version
>      GNU bash, version 4.2.45(1)-release (x86_64-pc-msys)
> However this distribution is huge
>      $ du -hs 'C:\cross64'
>      763M    C:\cross64
> Do they have some kind of installer/package manager yet?

"This page documents the instructions for setting up a Windows build 
using ​msys2, which is a fairly complete build of MinGW + the msys 
tools. [cut].
It's also smaller and has a convenient package manager, pacman."

I like the "pacnam" name.

However, coming back to the original request:

Cygwin includes, like any Linux/BSD distrubution, a large amount
of packages of all different categories:
- compilers (C, fortran, C++..)
- script (Bash, Perl, Python,...)
- MAth (Octave, glpk, R, GMP, ...)
- Simulation (ngspice, gnucap...)
- Database (sqlite, postgres, DB,..)
- X Window system

No sane one need all of them (~ 11 GB as Warren recently tested )

While Crome as single application has a single click setup,
if you want to add any of the several ADD-ONs you need to
add separatly.

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