[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: tiff-4.0.3-2

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Tue Jun 3 08:33:00 GMT 2014

The following packages have been updated for both arches:

* tiff-4.0.3-2
* tiff-doc-4.0.3-2
* tiff-opengl-4.0.3-2
* libtiff6-4.0.3-2
* libtiff-devel-4.0.3-2

libtiff is the reference implementation for reading and writing TIFF 
images, along with a small collection of tools for doing simple 
manipulations of TIFF images on UNIX systems, and documentation on the 
library and tools.

This update makes the latest upstream release stable (4.0 has been 
marked test for some time) and includes patches for multiple CVEs. 
Packages built against this libtiff-devel will now depend on libtiff6 
instead of libtiff5; the latter is hereby deprecated but remains 
available for those packages still dependent on it.




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