Too many mailing lists(passing the buck)

Linda Walsh
Sun Jun 22 21:22:00 GMT 2014

Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 03:07:37PM -0600, Warren Young wrote:
>> Every time someone says "That's not on topic here, go elsewhere," it
>> can easily be read as "Go away."  The Cygwin project should only be
>> pushing away toxic people, and multiple mailing lists do not have
>> that happy side effect.
> I've never seen a reply saying "that's not on topic here, go away" that
> could be read as you describe.  
   You didn't even bother to check google?
i settled on looking at bash:
bash cygwin "off-topic" -stackoverflow

But have seen similar for X11 related.

on the first page: (all talking about the topic being wrong for the list 

vs. the opposite problem where a cygwin devel yanked my prob
from a cp-bug-report and closed it:

bug was related to a case-bug using cp -a and being
told it was a cygwin bug unless I could recreate it
on linux (even though the bad code was in 'cp'.)

(had to do with ignoring case, and creating it with a case
ignoring FS on linux would have been too much of a pain
(like XFS has such an option) .

project owners constantly like to pass the buck in hopes the
user will give up...usually project owners win because reporting
bugs is too much trouble.

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