Executing a perl script from Windows 7

Max Polk maxpolk@gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 20:16:00 GMT 2014

On 3/9/2014 2:08 PM, Peter Holsberg wrote:
> I have a perl script that I would like to execute simply by 
> double-clicking on its name from a Windows filemanager window. (That 
> is, I do not want to use the command line at all, nor do I want to use 
> an icon.)
> Eg, myscript.pl
> I tried using this
> #!C:\cygwin64\bin\perl.exe

Windows does not pay attention to file contents (like the first line in 
your example), only the file name.  If you don't want a file 
association, you can opt to simply create a shortcut to your script that 
begins with the python executable and that lists the script as a parameter.

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