cannot copy graphics to clipboad

Fri Mar 14 16:30:00 GMT 2014

On 11/03/2014 00:11, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
> --- On Mon, 2014/3/10, Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> On 08/03/2014 10:31, Tatsuro MATSUOKA wrote:
>>> I have build wxWidgets-2.8.12 on Cygwin_x86.
>>> After that I have build gnuplot (4.6.5 and cvs) with wxt terminal.
>>> On the plotting window of the terminal of gnuplot, there is a "copy to clipboad"
>>> button. 
>>> However, I clicked the button and tried to paste to Xfig working on Cygwin, nothing was pasted.
>>> Cannot I use clipboard feature on Cygwin?
>> I guess that you have built a version of gnuplot which uses native windows GUI
>> (using wxWidgets), so the first problem is that the conversion between Windows
>> and X11 clipboards only supports text clipboard contents, currently.
>> I would think that if you were using the X11 version of gnuplot (available via
>> cygwin's setup), you should be able to copy the gnuplot graph (using middle
>> mouse button click) and paste it into other X11 programs.  But I can't find
>> documentation that xfig supports pasting an image into an xfig drawing, so
>> that may be a second problem.
> The wxWidgets was built using the GTK-2 libraries on Cygwin_x86.  I guess GTK-2 bases on Cygwin_x86 uses the Cygwin -X libraries. So I think my build gnuplot is Cygwin native.

Ok.  Thanks for that clarification.

> What is recommended program to confirm thar graph is copied to clipboard?

Looking into this, it seems that we don't have any 'paint' program in Cygwin,
which would be the standard thing to paste an image into. (although you could
try e.g. GIMP from Cygwinports.)

Depending on what you are trying to do, you might find it easier to plot to a
.png file from gnuplot and then include that file where needed.

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