[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated (experimental): coreutils-8.23-3

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Sun Oct 12 08:56:00 GMT 2014

On Sep 30 14:57, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Eric Blake <eblake <at> redhat.com> writes:
> > Can you give me a simple self-contained script that creates all
> > necessary prerequisites before attempting the failing 'cp', to help me
> > in trying to reproduce what is going differently here?
> As an admin do (replace "user" with any user that is not the admin user and
> I'm assuming that /tmp is not mounted "noacl").
> --------------
> umask 777
> cd /tmp
> mkdir -p ACLtest/profile.d
> setfacl -m m:rwx,g:Administrators:rwx,\
> d:m:rwx,d:u::---,d:g::---,d:o::---,\
> d:g:Administrators:rwx,u::--- ACLtest/
> chown -R user ACLtest/
> getfacl ACLtest/ | setfacl -f - ACLtest/profile.d/
> getfacl ACLtest ACLtest/profile.d/
> ls -alR ACLtest/
> cp -r /etc/profile.d/ ACLtest/
> --------------
> With coreutils 8.23-2 this suceeds, with the -3 release you'll get the error
> cp: cannot create directory ‘ACLtest/profile.d’: File exists

It's even simpler than that:

  $ cd /tmp
  $ mkdir -p a/1/2 b/1/2
  $ touch a/1/2/x b/1/2/y
  $ cp -rp a/1/2 b/1
  cp: cannot create directory ‘b/1/2’: File exists

This is on stock NTFS with Cygwin 1.7.32 and cp from coreutils-8.23-3.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat
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