Tester for openblas needed

Tony Kelman tony@kelman.net
Mon Oct 20 16:16:00 GMT 2014

> look in the source package
> http://matzeri.altervista.org/x86_64/openblas/

Thanks. I'm a little surprised the cygblas-0.dll (x86_64, 0.2.12-1) does
not appear to be linked to libgfortran. Were you seeing your test
executables using multiple cores? I think you may have to build with
USE_THREAD=1 to enable threading (or USE_OPENMP=1 for openmp)?

I may be doing this wrong, but I'm getting errors from your openblas
build, but not the reference blas package, when I run the following:

$ curl -O 
$ gfortran -o sblat2 sblat2.f -lblas
$ rm -f SBLAT2.SUMM
$ curl 
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/develop/test/sblat2.dat | 

This outputs messages like:
** On entry to SGEMV  parameter number  1 had an illegal value
and so on for the other single-precision level 2 functions in that test.

This does seem to work okay on Linux or an existing i686-w64-mingw32 build.


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