freopen/fread/popen bug

Eric Blake
Fri Feb 27 18:13:00 GMT 2015

On 02/27/2015 05:40 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> Wrong expectations.  Keep in mind that the default read mode using
>> stdio functions is buffered.  So your fread fills the buffer in f.
>> The buffer is typically something like 1K or 4K.  If the file is
>> shorter than that, the file pointer will be set to EOF when calling
>> popen.  Try this before calling fread:
>>    setvbuf(f, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
> In the actual code that I'm debugging (part of texinfo), I think that
> would create an unacceptable performance penalty for the child process.

How? Whether the parent reads buffered or unbuffered has no impact on
the child.

> What's really happening is that we need to peek at the first few bytes
> of f before deciding which program to call in popen.  After peeking,
> there's a call to fseek(f,0,0) before the popen, with the intention that
> the child receives a file pointer set to the beginning of the file.  (I
> left this out of my STC because it didn't affect the outcome.)  This
> apparently works on Linux.

Corinna is correct - you need to fflush() after the fseek() for it to
affect the underlying offset.  Or, just use read()/lseek() instead of
fread()/fseek() in the parent, to avoid stdio buffering altogether.
That way, you'll guarantee the offset the child process will inherit
without having to worry about flushing buffered state.

> But maybe the problem could be solved by doing a second freopen after
> peeking.

Only if freopen() is guaranteed to reset the file position to 0.  When
using freopen("file"), that is true; but when using freopen(NULL) (for
the side effect of changing text/binary mode), it is not guaranteed.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library

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