/dev/ptmx fails with Azure accounts

Thomas Wolff towo@towo.net
Fri Aug 19 20:04:00 GMT 2016

Am 19.08.2016 um 11:09 schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
> On Aug 18 21:52, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>> Am 18.08.2016 um 11:35 schrieb Corinna Vinschen:
>>> On Aug 16 17:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>>> On Aug 16 11:27, rmora@aboutgolf.com wrote:
>>>>> Hi Corinna
>>>>> On Tuesday, August 16, 2016 05:12, "Corinna Vinschen" <corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com> said:
>>>>>> Hi Russell,
>>>>>> This is as bad as I feared.  Apart from the username and the Windows
>>>>>> home dir, there are no other information which could be fetched by
>>>>>> the usual means.  Quite apart from the fact that there are no means to
>>>>>> *store* this information somewhere, other than creating an explicit
>>>>>> /etc/passwd and matching /etc/group entry.
>>>>>> But, anyway, I prepared some code for the Cygwin DLL to handle these
>>>>>> accounts even if no /etc/passwd and /etc/group entries are present.  It
>>>>>> still needs some work, though, and for that I'd ask you to perform a
>>>>>> last test.
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>> Unknown+User@Lenovo-PC /cygdrive/c/cygwin64
>>>>> $ gcc -W azure-check5.c -l Netapi32 -o azure-check5
>>>>> Unknown+User@Lenovo-PC /cygdrive/c/cygwin64
>>>>> $ ./azure-check5
>>>>> Sid: S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
>>>>> Dom\Name: AzureAD\RussellMora
>>>>> Reverse Sid (RussellMora): S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
>>>>> Reverse Sid (AzureAD\RussellMora): S-1-12-1-2043906341-1249388050-2635137163-399631282
>>>> Good to know, thank you.  Give me a bit and I'll come up with a Cygwin
>>>> DLL for testing.
>>> FTR, this has been kinked out off-list.  The resulting patch is in git master now.
>> Sounds great. Would it be an option to release this fix in a 2.5.3 version
>> to have a final XP release for all users?
> I'm not planning to release a 2.5.3.
I didn't think so. I meant to kindly attempt to nag you to modify the 
plan and add such a release so that cygwin or standalone packages based 
on cygwin would work for Azure users that happen to be still running XP.

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