Quotes changed to odd characters in gcc error msgs

Chuck Roberts croberts@gilsongraphics.com
Wed Jan 13 15:41:00 GMT 2016

I am running Cygwin 2.3.0 on Windows 7. I'm new to Cygwin and trying to
learn C programming (basic ANSI C).

I'm having 2 problems.

1) When I get an error message from the gcc compiler, the quotes in the
message are turned to high ascii characters that don't make sense. How do
I fix this? My TERM variable says "cygwin".

2) I'm using PSPad to edit some of my .C files. Since I've started using
PSPad, the directory listing of files using 'ls -l' has the occasional
file concatenated with the next file, like a carriage return is missing
somewhere. I am using colors, and load .dircolors in my .bashrc each time
I start Cygwin. Here is what I added to the bottom of my .bashrc:

function funclm
# Use --grou-directories-first
ls -hlF --color $@|more
function funcls
ls -hF --color $@|more

alias envm='env|sort|less'
alias findit='echo See locate'
alias h='history'
alias lf='funclf'
alias lm='funclm'
alias ls='funcls'
alias mv='mv -v'
alias perltext='perldoc -t -T'
alias src='source $HOME/.bashrc'

export EDITOR=nedit

# Stuff for X windows and nedit.
export PAGER=/usr/bin/less

# Misc stuff
export PATH=./:$PATH
eval `dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors`

Thank you.

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