Latest Cygwin update and Emacs in Mintty

Ken Brown
Sat Jun 17 17:54:00 GMT 2017

On 6/17/2017 10:38 AM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> I don't know why I didn't think of that earlier, but I just fired up
> emacs-nox from my Linux box and did 'M-x set-background-color RET white
> RET' and guess what, the background turns a relatively dark shade of
> grey.  I've tried to dig through the call chain that would lead to that
> result and it seems that the result depends on whether brightwhite/15 or
> white/7 gets picked from tty-color-alist or a value gets generated from
> tty-color-standard-values (which uses the X definitions for the named
> colors).

OK, so it's not a Cygwin issue.  And I just learned about M-x 
list-colors-display.  If you try this in emacs-nox in Mintty with 
TERM=xterm-256color, you'll see that white is #e5e5e5 and brightwhite is 
#ffffff.  So I guess there's no bug here, just a surprising definition 
of "white".


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