perl -- classic?

Peter A. Castro
Mon Feb 4 23:11:00 GMT 2019

On Mon, Feb 04, 2019 at 02:32:35PM -0800, L A Walsh wrote:


> Can we have an older perl, say, perl-5.0.16?  works for my stuff mostly
> unchanged,

You sure you mean 5.0.16?  That's really, really old!  Maybe you mean

The earliest perl version I have in my archives for Cygwin is perl-5.6.1
from 2001. and that's for 32-bit only.  I don't have anything earlier.

Earliest 64-bit appears to be perl-5.14.4

> I can't get many cpan things to work with current perl.
> Things like
> Term::Size::chars no longer works as it says chars isn't exported.
> but it is 'EXPORT_OK', and it used to work.
> Too many things break on cpan on new perls....seems like
> building CPAN should be part of the perl test suite or if
> they won't fix a module in CPAN or won't fix perl to keep a compatibility
> mode then the module gets kicked out of CPAN --
> and Perl doesn't get released until all modules remaining in CPAN
> work.
> Meanwhile....we had a 5.18 for a while, and that worked...but the new stuff.
> I can't pull new versions from CPAN and expect anything to work...

5.18 is at least a little newer (2014), but still pretty old.

You can pull the source from the official perl site and build your own,
though getting to the source is a little convoluted, but try here:

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--=> Peter A. Castro
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