Cygwin 3.0.1-1 Breaks ALL cygwin applications on Windows 7 x64

Jerry Baker via cygwin
Tue Feb 26 18:30:00 GMT 2019

I have narrowed it down to cygwin1.dll. If I install cygwin 3.0.1-1 and 
overwrite cygwin1.dll with the 2.11.2-1 version, everything works. 
Likewise, if I install cygwin 2.11.2-1 and overwrite cygwin1.dll with 
the 3.0.1-1 version everything stops working.

Additional information about the broken applications: cygwin 
applications running under 3.0.1-1 show no output but a blinking cursor 
and do not respond to CTRL+C or ENTER keys.

On 2/26/2019 7:38 AM, Jerry Baker via cygwin wrote:
> I have a large installation of cygwin on Windows 7 x64 for the last
> decade that has been working without issue. When I use setup-x86_64.exe
> (2.895) to upgrade the cygwin 2.11.2-1 package to cygwin 3.0.1-1, all of
> my cygwin applications stop working. Simply executing a command (such as
> 'bash' or 'grep' or 'date') at a command line just yields a blinking
> cursor that never returns anything. As soon as I switch back to version
> 2.11.2-1 everything works again.

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