Privilege(s) needed to run top command

Corinna Vinschen
Tue Mar 12 17:13:00 GMT 2019

On Mar 12 10:00, jwang wrote:
> Sir,


> I download, this morning:
> 3132 -rw-r--r--  1 james None 3207004 Mar 12 10:50 cygwin-20190312.tar.xz
> tar -xvf cygwin-20190312.tar.xz

Where to?  You have to install cygwin1.dll in place of the other
cygwin1.dll while having stopped all Cygwin processes.  Just unpacking
with tar won't do anything useful.

> then I did: 
> usr/bin/ps -W|grep httpd

This is really not helpful as far as bug reports go.  Drop the
grep, drop the -W.  Just call `ps -e' or `procps -e' or `top'
and see what's visible.  Do you see all CYgwin processes?  If so, fine.
If not, please report details.  Just don't expect top's load average
values to make any sense if you're running under a non-privileged
user account.  They will be always 0.


Corinna Vinschen
Cygwin Maintainer
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