cat.exe failing silently with exit status 3

Chris Wagner
Wed Mar 27 03:55:00 GMT 2019

Hi all.  A few days ago I noticed that cat.exe was failing without 
printing any output or errors and exiting with status 3.  I tried 
rebooting, updating my Cygwin, even a fresh install of Base only.  I 
removed all recently installed Windows software and nothing changed.  
What's truly strange is that it seems to be only cat that is broken.  
Hilariously tac works fine.  I can even emulate cat with "tac foo |tac".

Whatever changed, Cygwin, coreutils, or Windows, I can't narrow it down. 
  I'm on Windows 7 SP1 and my Cygwin is up to date (3.0.4-1).  Coreutils 
is 8.26-2.

I launched cat with strace and it always ends with:
--- Process 3928, exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
--- Process 3928 thread 10476 exited with status 0xc0000001
--- Process 3928 exited with status 0xc0000001

The output is vastly truncated compared to what tac shows.  The thread 
dies immediately instead of loading the environment, etc.

I attached the strace output of cat and tac along with the sysinfo and 
cygcheck output.  I hope this is just something simple overlooked in the 
latest version of cat.

Thanks in advance.
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