bug with grep 3.0.2 in cygwin 3.0.7

Chris Wagner wagnerc@plebeian.com
Mon Sep 23 14:42:00 GMT 2019

On 2019-08-28 3:16 am, akiki@free.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> I encounter some problem with grep option -E on cygwin 3.0.7
> echo "a^b" | grep "a^b" #answer a^b ie it's OK
> but
> echo "a^b" | grep -E "a^b" #answer nothing " for me it's KO
> I have to backslash ^ to be OK like : grep -E 'a\^b'
> Is-it a bug ?
> I don't know if all versions of cygwin and grep are concerned.

Hi Akiki.  As others mentioned, it has to do with how regular 
expressions operate.  However the best solution for you in this 
situation is to not use regular expressions.  To search for fixed 
strings, use fgrep or grep -F.  That avoids all issues with meta 
characters and covers the vast majority of cases when we use grep 

To use full power regular expressions read perlre and use grep -P.


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