Race condition hangs on multiple mintty/tcsh? Brad Wetmore

Brad Wetmore bradfordwetmore@hotmail.com
Mon Aug 3 22:13:10 GMT 2020


I generally kick off multiple (10) mintty sessions, and place them around the screen.

C:/cygwin64/bin/mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico \
--position @3 --position 120,0 --size 80x71 /bin/tcsh &
C:/cygwin64/bin/mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico \
--position @3 --position 715,0 --size 80x45 /bin/tcsh &
C:/cygwin64/bin/mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico \
--position @3 --position 715,660 --size 80x24 /bin/tcsh &

Within the last 6 months or so, about 2-3 of them would hang and either mintty/tcsh would not start. I put a "sleep 1" in between each invocation and that seemed to take care of it.

With the latest cygwin update, about 8 of them just hang even with the sleep 1. I put in a "sleep 2", and now everything is coming up again.

Not sure if this is a mintty or tcsh issue, but just wondering if others are seeing this before I start trying to debug this.



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