Issue on output when using javac or scalac under emacs

Luc Henninger
Wed Aug 26 06:49:44 GMT 2020

Le 26/08/2020 à 02:36, Eliot Moss a écrit :
> Dear Luc -- You should be aware that while Cygwin can invoke Java, the 
> Windows Java still expects _Windows-style_ arguments, including 
> Windows paths, etc.
> For example, not a/b/c:d/e but 'a\b\c;d\e" for a path.
> Just because you're using Cygwin, the installed Java is not 
> "magically" transported to the Linux world!
> You may also run into issues around line endings (CR/LF vs LF only, 
> and so forth).
> Regards - Eliot Moss

Thanks, but I already use "cygpath" within my makefiles in case of 
"java" to convert file paths.


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