Is there an alternative to gmane for managing this mailing list?

Adam Dinwoodie
Fri Dec 18 21:31:47 GMT 2020

On Thu, 17 Dec 2020 at 21:07, Charles Russell wrote:
> My ISP (AT&T) currently seems to be blocking mail to Is
> there some other way to maintain thread coherence without subscribing to
> the mailing list, which would inundate my inbox?

As far as I know, the only officially supported ways to access the
mailing list are by subscribing and using it directly, or by browsing
the archives at Clearly a whole
bunch of people use gmane, but asking for help with it here is similar
to asking for help here with using Gmail or Outlook: it's nothing to
do with the Cygwin project per se, and you'll need to take it up with
your ISP and/or Gmane themselves.

If you're not willing to shift to using the mailing list directly, and
you're not willing to shift your email provider (I personally avoid
ISP-provided mail services as much as I can), I expect your best bet
would be to sign up for a mail forwarding service. I've used
Sneakemail in the past, which will let you set up new email addresses
that forward to your main mailbox, and "reverse" email addresses that
let you send mail from your mail service to an
address, where they'll be automatically forwarded to whatever email
address you specify when you set them up.

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