missing Python 3.7 for python3 package version

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 07:09:07 GMT 2020

On 27.07.2020 18:02, Allen Hewes via Cygwin wrote:
>> Question: any reason to not use python 3.8 ?
> For me, it's because when you moved to 3.8 from 3.6, a "core" (popular?) number of python38-* packages weren't moved to 3.8 either. I didn't want 3 Pythons installed b/c of the move to 3.8. And I didn't want to add to the packages (the handful of python37-* I use) I build/maintain myself for my Cygwin installs.

move is in progress. Around a third of packages are already in place.
Anything you are particularly missing ?

> Currently, I have to change Setup for those Python packages for 3.8 I don't want upgraded/installed. It's an annoyance but it is what it is.

same on other distri.
Debian seems to provide 3.5, 3.7 and 3.8 plus starting with 3.9

> Why can't Cygwin pick one Python horse and ride it now that Python 2.7 is gone?

current horse is 3.6, next horse is 3.8

In the meantime we are also changing rider as the most expert
is not anymore available


> /allen


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