Listing only manually installed package

Brian Inglis
Fri Jun 26 17:20:26 GMT 2020

On 2020-06-26 10:34, Yasuhiro KIMURA wrote:
> When installing one package, it is quite common for several other
> packages to be automatically installed as dependencies. And output of
> `cygcheck -c` includes both of them. Then is there any way to list
> only manually installed package?

$ grep '\s1$' /etc/setup/installed.db	# manual
$ grep '\s0$' /etc/setup/installed.db	# auto

$ awk '1 == $3' /etc/setup/installed.db	# manual
$ awk '0 == $3' /etc/setup/installed.db	# auto

I can't remember what the pristine state of the Base category packages are,
I've messed around with the setup files so much for so long.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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