Cygwin/X11 on Windows 10

Eliot Moss
Tue Sep 29 12:27:00 GMT 2020

On 9/29/2020 6:26 AM, Thomas Schweikle via Cygwin wrote:
 > Hi!
 > I've managed to install cygwin/X on Windows 10. Now I'm looking for command
 > "startxwin" -- does not seen to exist. If following instructions from
 > it should be installed? Or is an
 > extra package selected needed beyond what is given in upper mentioned
 > handbook online?
 > If I start "XWin.exe -multiwindow" directly it starts and finishes
 > immediately. The recommended idea of creating an
 > executable "~/.startxwinrc" holding only "exec sleep infinity" does not
 > help. Same behaviour as before. Any other suggestions?

startxwin is in the xinit package.  Personally I use xlaunch, in the
xlaunch package.  xlaunch with no arguments fires up a GUI where you
can configure it and save an xlaunch file, e.g., ~/config.xlaunch.
I put a link to xlaunch in my Windows task bar, with the follow
command line it:

C:\cygwin64\bin\run.exe /bin/xlaunch -p /usr/bin -run /home/moss/config.xlaunch

You'll need to change paths for your file locations, of course.

It uses startxwin.  Below is my personal .startxwinrc file for a sample.  It
starts a couple of xterm windows and an emacs, all iconized.  The emacs
geometry suits my high resolution screen.  The "wait" is important - otherwise
things exit immediately and the X server terminates.


xrdb -merge ${HOME}/.Xdefaults
xmodmap ${HOME}/.Xmodmap

UC="${USER} console"
xterm +tb -geometry 110x62+4+0  -T "${USER}" -n "${USER}" -name "${USER}" -bg rgbi:.0/.2/.2    -ls 
-iconic &
xterm +tb -geometry 110x62-10+0 -T "${UC}"   -n "${UC}"   -name "${UC}"   -bg rgbi:.5/.0/.1    -ls 
-iconic &
emacs --chdir=${HOME} --no-splash --iconic --geometry=130x60+100+100 -T emacs &

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